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Exposing the Deception Called Doubt: An Unseen Adversary of the Christian

When we consider the word, "deception," oftentimes false doctrines and cult leaders enter into the mind. As Christians, we are taught to be on guard against deception. Thus, we have watchful eyes as it pertains to biblical teachings and self-proclaimed ministers and miracle workers. However, there is a type of deception that many Christians are submitting to consistently; that is, the deception of doubt. It is one of the main reasons why we doubt the promises of God.

        If you ask your average Christian, they will tell you that they are not deceived. This assertion is based solely upon their belief system and possibly their denominational affiliation. Yet, when a Christian fails to believe God and what He has said in His word, they are deceived. The devil is the father of lies. Nothing that he says in rooted in truth. Even when he uses the truth, it is twisted that the plan of God will be thwarted. He used the scriptures during Christ's temptation in the wilderness to get Christ to operate in a manner not purposed by God. The enemy uses the same tactics today. He will bring scriptures to mind to make us doubt God and what He will do for us.

        God is truth. Even Jesus declared that He was the way, the truth, and the light. In God, there is no variableness or shadow of turning; that is, He does not change. He remains consistent to who He is. This means that we should be able to trust in Him and His plan for our lives. In addition, we should be ale to trust His love, care, and concern for us. Even in the direst situations, we can declare God's faithfulness and His ability to deliver us.

        Consider this: if God is unchanging and He has given us promises and He cannot lie; not to believe Him is a consequence of deception. The deception of doubt causes you to mistrust the One who is truth. When you feel that you cannot trust God and wait upon Him, you are deceived because He said that we could count on Him. He stated, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." God is not faithful because we are always faithful, but He is faithful because He cannot deny Himself.

        Are you operating in deception on today? Are the situations in your life that you are unsure of what the Lord will do? Do you feel that God has forsaken you? Do you feel that God can no longer use you because of failures? Do you think God will be there for others and not for you? If your answer to any of these is "Yes," then you are deceived. However, there is hope. Confess to God that you have had a difficult time believing, and ask for strength and grace to overcome the deception of doubt. Finally, move in faith, knowing that He will be with you, even until the end of the world. In Christ, the promises of God are "yes" and "amen."


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