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Abundant Truth International

Abundant Truth International (founded by Roderick L. Evans) is a prophetic ministry, distinctively apologetic, committed to defending, equipping, and contending for Christ’s Kingdom. Hence, this ministry carries a unique two-fold characteristic, displaying emphasis on prophetic ministry alongside Christian apologetics, in order to effectively communicate biblical truth and inspire a passion for Christ in the hearts of believers.

The primary mission of ATI Ministries is to equip the Body of Christ with tools necessary to defend and contend for the truth of the Christian faith. Jesus Christ came to bear witness of the truth and ATI Ministries is a modern-day extension of His commission (John 18:37).

The primary function of ATI Ministries is to: stand in defense of orthodox Christian faith and practice; that is, for the common salvation and faith that was once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3), and to equip Christian organizations, churches, leaders, and laity through prophetic insight and biblical instruction (Ephesian 4:12:14).

Our vision is to see the Body of Christ equipped to proclaim, present, and preach the truth of God, and of Jesus and His Spirit, and of the Holy Scriptures. In addition, to teach leaders and laity how to give an answer for their faith and hope in Jesus Christ (I Peter 3:15). Moreover, to see the members of the Christian faith ready to contend for the faith through sound biblical exposition (Acts 17:2).


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