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A Qualified Christian: Being Fruitful in Christian Life and Service

It should be the desire of every Christian to be a useful and productive servant of the Lord; that is, a worthy Christian. On any job, qualified individuals are sought to fill positions. We know that anyone that is qualified makes necessary adjustments and work hard to obtain the necessary skills. The same is true of the Christian. We have to be willing to adjust and work towards being a qualified and productive servant. Jesus’ words to the disciples reveal to us that He would have it no other way.

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matt 5:13 (KJV)

    With these things in mind, the question arises, “How can I become a qualified Christian?” Many steps can one use to maintain their usefulness to the work of Christ. If the Christian employs these steps, he will become and remain a qualified servant of Christ. Let us briefly explore three steps to being a qualified Christian.

  1. Be honest about weaknesses and hang ups. The first step to doing better, at anything, is recognizing where you are lacking. God desires our openness and honesty before Him. If you remain humble before the Lord and recognize areas of sin and weakness, you place yourself in a position to overcome them.

Continual self-examination is the trademark of qualified Christians. When you recognized that you have not arrived, you will continually monitor your inner life so that nothing hinders your service to the Lord.

  1. Be willing to change. Some Christians have no problem with recognizing and identifying weakness and sin. However, the qualified Christian knows that recognition without repentance (change) is of no value.

The qualified Christian will turn from sins and habits to serve Christ even if it is uncomfortable and causes their flesh to suffer. Repentance gives us access to the Kingdom of God and it is needed to sustain our place in Him.

  1. Be subject to biblical teaching. The qualified Christian lives by this exhortation of scripture, “But be ye doers of the Word.” After recognition and repentance, one has to remember the teachings of the Bible and do them.

    The qualified Christian’s standard for thought, doctrine, and practice is the Word of God. The qualified Christian knows that life has to be governed by the eternal Word of God.

    If one will remember these three things, it will provide the proper foundation for a fruitful life in Christ. Let this be your desire, hope, and plea that you will become and remain a qualified Christian.


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