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When God Says “No:” Understanding the Fatherhood of God (Abundant Truth International's Inspirational Series). In the pages of this book, we want to explore reasons why the answer of God to us is not always right in our eyes. We will examine causes for the Lord denying the request of our hearts. In addition, we will learn how the seemingly unfavorable response of God to us in certain requests is actually a demonstration of His love, care, and concern for us. This will lead us to a greater understanding of the Fatherhood of God in the life of the believer.

When Jesus made us citizens of the Kingdom, it came with advantages. As members of the kingdom of God, we are eligible to partake of the outpouring of the Spirit. The books of Joel and Acts declare that the direct result of the outpouring of the Spirit of God would be revelation. Men and women could receive and communicate by the Spirit of God; two ways this is done is through dreams and visions. In this book, we will discuss the various aspects of dreams and visions. We will examine the different types of dreams and visions and how to apply them to our lives. Book 1 of  2.

. How do you handle your failures? Do you allow them to paralyze your personal growth and happiness? Or, do you learn from them? The Bible contains numerous accounts of individuals who failed in their relationship with Him. Yet, this did not prevent them from doing great things for Him.
God is the God of another chance. He will ensure that the good work that He has started in you will be completed. In the second book of the Restoration and Recovery Series, we will examine the failures and ultimate successes of biblical characters. If they overcame, then, the Christian today can come out of any personal Egypt and enter into their promised Canaan. Their examples provide hope and strength for the Christian today. Book 2 of 4.

If They Be Prophets: An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift (Ministerial Endowments Series). Revised and updated edition. From the beginning, God has always used prophets to speak on His behalf to His people. The ministry of the prophet did not cease with the early New Testament Church. The prophet's ministry is still vital to the furtherance of the Church. In this book, rediscover the ministry of the New Testament prophet and how it operates in today's Church.

The Lazarus Effect: Experiencing a Personal Resurrection (Restoration and Recovery Series). In In biology, the Lazarus Effect refers to species and other organisms that appeared in one time period and then disappeared; only to reappear at a later period of time. Biologists were amazed at how a species could be alive and well at a certain time and then seemingly go extinct. Then, this "extinct" species somehow comes back to life and reproduces.
Biologists used the term Lazarus Effect based upon the New Testament account of Jesus miraculously raising His friend Lazarus from the dead. In the fourth book of the Restoration & Recovery Series, we will continue to examine the failures and ultimate successes of biblical characters. Learn how you can experience a Lazarus Effect in your personal life. Book 4 of 4.


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