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Don’t Stop Growing

Every child that enters into the world is expected to grow. When a child does not grow, it is a sign of a developmental problem. Many Christians are suffering from spiritual developmental problems because they stop growing in the faith. As Christians, we cannot afford to stop growing. We are instructed through the writings of the apostles to grow…

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 (KJV)

Every Christian is commanded to grow. Jesus taught that every branch (person) in Him is expected to produce fruit. This is a sign of growth. Spiritual growth is challenging process, but has eternal rewards. In striving for personal development, the Christian has to overcome faulty self-perception, the opinions of others, and the lies that the enemy may bring to the mind. Therefore, we want to offer four steps that Christians can employ to stimulate personal growth in their lives and in their walk with Christ. 

Respect the Lord – If you do not respect the Lord, you will not follow His commands, frustrating your growth. Wisdom precedes growth and wisdom is achieved through the fear of the Lord. If you want to grow, you have to have a respect and reverence for God, His Word, and His Standards. Without these, you will not have the proper perspective and passion for personal growth.

Rely on the Bible – The Bible reveals God’s eternal plans and purposes. As we rely on it as our standard for living, growth is a direct by-product. If you want to grow, it has to be done through applying the principles of scripture to daily living.

Rehearse Your Needs in Prayer – Personal growth will not be achieved without consistency in prayer. In prayer, you can express to Christ your concerns and areas of weakness. In prayer, you can receive strength to overcome obstacles; including self-imposed obstacles. Prayer raises your sensitivity to Christ. Hence, your heart will be open to change which leads to growth. Jesus said that men should always pray and not faint. Do not give up on prayer because you do not see immediate results, for it will have eternal rewards.

Redirect Your Desires – When we hear the word “desires,” we usually think of fleshly lusts. Though it is a part of desire, desires also include wanting things to go a certain way or feeling we are right in our opinions. If your desires are not redirected, you will not be open to correction and discipline. Every Christian has to be disciplined in their lifestyle and manner. In doing so, you will overcome the desire to please yourself. In turn, your desires will be redirected towards pleasing God. This will definitely lead to growth.

Personal growth does require persistence. However, it can be a consistent element in your life because we can do all things through Jesus. God wants the Christian to mature in Him. So, if you want to grow, you will receive strength and support. He will help you. Understand you have no excuse: be determined - Don’t Stop Growing.


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