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Clean Up Your Mind

Christians must be on guard from the allure of the world. If we keep the world’s pattern of thinking, we will fail in our Christian walk. The believer must stay cautious at all times. He must allow his thought process to be governed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. The world is not only designed to keep our flesh in bondage, but also our minds and spirits. Paul lets us know that we must not only keep our flesh (bodies) clean, but also our spirits,

Therefore having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. (II Corinthians 7:1)

God has given us many promises. Because Jesus overcame the world, the believer can also (John 16:33). He promised us power over the enemy, victory instead of defeat. Yet, the above scripture lets us know that to obtain these promises we must cleanse ourselves; that is, our thoughts, emotions, personality traits, attributes, and fleshly desires. The flesh is to be cleansed since it is where sins are committed in the physical body. The spirit needs to be cleansed because it is where sins of the mind take place.

Some believers become deceived in their thinking in this area. They may feel that as long as they do not fornicate, commit adultery, smoke, or drink, then they are righteous. So, they neglect to correct the error that is in their spirit. However, the scriptures state,

All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. 1 John 5:17 (KJV)

Many things may fall under the header of sin. Hence, we should take into consideration that sin includes backbiting, lying, jealousy, envy, strife, stubbornness, rebellion, hatred, and the like. We have to allow the mind of Christ to be formed in us. The world not only tries to dictate how to live, but it tries to dictate how to behave also. The believer has to keep his spirit from being defiled. It is only then that we can be separate from the world.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 John 2:16 (KJV)

Believers fail to cleanse their spirit from the world’s influence because it is unseen. They are focused on keeping their physical activities pure while neglecting their mental activities. For they feel that as long as there is no outward sin, there is nothing to be concerned about.

So, examine your thoughts and your perspective on life. Make sure they are not in line with the world. Have fervor to be cleansed on the inside.


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