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Seal the Record

The foundation of any established organization is good bookkeeping. And, a sign of good bookkeeping is confidentiality. In the government, when certain events took place, though they maintain internal records, they sealed them from view in external records. These files are not open to the general public or general inspection. In essence, what they are saying is that the events that took place are between them and the involved party. The question maybe asked, “What does this have to do with our overcoming fears?” 

And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. Luke 4:20 (KJV)

The answer is simple: There are many people in the Body of Christ who need to seal the book on past sins and failures; and in some cases, on present struggles and weaknesses. Some people are fearful of repercussions of their pasts and keep reliving it over and over again. It comes up in the form of “would have, could have, and should have.” Yet, there is another group who feel that in order to be “REAL” they need to expose past indiscretions and present struggles. However, wisdom is needed in this regard because two negative outcomes may manifest:

a) Exposing present weaknesses invites unnecessary temptations and trials. Some people have opened up to individuals for help and were taken advantage of, or they were ridiculed and belittled.

b)  Some people use exposing present weaknesses as an invitation to sin. Be careful of people who tell you they can trust you with their innermost details. Sometimes they are sharing with you to give you a personal invitation into ungodliness. You need to tell them to “Seal the Record.”

The reason we can seal the record is because of what Jesus did when He entered the synagogue and read from Isaiah. He opens the book and reads a fivefold description of the deliverance He offers.

1) Preach to the Poor – Those who feel the least in this world can be made rich through the knowledge of Him.

2) Heal the Brokenhearted – Those who have been emotionally scarred, bruised, and hurt can be liberated.

3) Preach deliverance to the Captives – Those who are captive to lifestyles, mind-sets, and even people can be freed through Him.

4) Recovery of sight – Those who have been blinded by sin and the devil can gain spiritual sight and insight so that they can understand who they are in Him.

5) Set at liberty the bruised – Those who are trodden down and wearied by life and suffering from all matter of afflictions can be set free through Him.

After Jesus’ reading, the text tells us that He closed the book. By interpretation, it reveals that His work of total deliverance is complete if we receive it. Jesus already closed the book. Do not stay in jail when the door has been opened. Again, Seal the Record on things of the past, present struggles, and future worries because faithful is He that is called you and He will also do it.


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