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God Can Turn It Around: Trusting His Word will Stand

God is the author of life. His very words contain creative power. When He created the earth, He did it through the power of His famous words, “Let there be…” Until this present day, all things that were set in motion remain by the power of His word. From other scriptures, we discover that aside from the power of His words, God’s thoughts and intents will certainly happen. In the book of Isaiah, God declares,

The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand (Isaiah 14:24)

Whatever the will of the Lord is shall surely happen. Without even speaking, if God thinks or purposes to do something, it will happen. Thus, we understand that God possesses all power.

Because of the awesome power of God, He can turn around the unclean things of our lives. The Book of Job asks, “Who can bring a clean out of an unclean?” – God can. God brings impossible things to fruition. The Bible abounds with accounts of God doing the impossible in the midst of man’s impossible situations. Jesus reminded the disciples that with God, all things are possible.

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

Though men readily accept the awesomeness of God’s power, some do not believe that this power is available in times of personal failures. If God is able to do all things, then our failures in life do not frustrate His work. He is able to turn them around. This is assured if we desire His will for our lives.

Whatever God has purposed for your life will come to pass if you continue to follow Him. However, many members in the Body of Christ become complacent in their relationship with the Lord because they believe they have made too many mistakes. This leads to self-doubt, regrets, depression, and frustration. These things will bring death to one’s relationship with Christ.

The Bible is full of stories describing man’s failure and God’s restoration. Even God’s choicest servants failed. Yet, they were able to recover and receive what God had for them in their lives. From Genesis to Revelation, the cycle of failure to redemption to destiny is repeated. This cycle is repeated in the lives of believers today. However, understand that God is willing to restore and renew.

Allow Him to turn around the past contraventions, your present’s contentions, and your future concerns. Develop fervor in allowing Him to transform your life. God can turn it around.


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